About Us

About NeuroEssence, LLC
Jessica and Dr. Jennifer Stelter’s excitement and enthusiasm encouraged the development of NeuroEssence™. Their vision is that those living with dementia will be able to experience and navigate their new world freely because caregivers and healthcare professionals feel better educated, prepared, and empowered in how to provide quality dementia care.
About Memory Lane TV

Memory Lane TV is a tool for helping to manage the many mood and behavioral effects often caused by, or associated with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. This tool is in the form of therapeutically designed audio-visual content that we deliver, or “stream” to your home or facility over the internet. Many of the content modules (i.e. films) are designed to be used in tandem with specifically paired aromas to stimulate the sense of smell (i.e. olfactory stimulation), in addition to the audio-visual stimulation.

Coming Together...
NeuroEssence, LLC and Memoro (i.e., Memory Lane TV) crossed paths synergistically because of their passions to provide quality engagement, interactions, and care to those with Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. This synergy was the belief, research, and experience that positive multi-sensory experiences provide persons with dementia with positive emotions, brain health benefits, productive connections, memory stimulation, and independence. By combining the olfactory intervention by NeuroEssence, LLC with the visual and auditory stimulation of Memory Lane TV, caregivers are armed with powerful engagement and interventions at any time.
"When using aromatherapy, everyone benefits on both sides of the bottle - the person and caregiver."
- Jessica Ryan, Biologist & CFO of NeuroEssence